Tie-Hack Log and Timber Co.


You Dream it, We Build it.

The key to westward expansion during the 1800s in America was the development of the railroad. The Union Pacific Railroad company had to overcome major logistical feats to bring people and supplies to the rugged Western United States.
Among these Feats were the 6,000,000+ hand cut railroad ties that would make up the first stretch of the first transcontinental railroad.
The railroad hired men that came to be known as "Tie-Hacks" from all over the world, but commonly Scandinavian carpenters and craftsmen to set up camps deep in the Rocky Mountains and cut railroad ties by hand with saws and axes, tie them together and float them down river to the railroad camps. These men would build cabins and live off the land for several months at a time. Many of the forest service cabins and abandoned cabins we still see in the back-country today are old Tie-Hack cabins.
At Tie-Hack Log and Timber Co., we take pride in our Swedish Tie-Hack Heritage and do our best to carry on their work ethic and craftsmanship in our Cabins, Timber Frame, and log work.
Custom Timber Barns and Homes



Custom Log and Timber Work

